Sunday, November 18, 2012

Plotting and scheming

Will there ever be a day when I don't have any paper work to do? It seems I am constantly battling a never ending pile of forms - both online and in hard copy. No sooner do I fill out a form that my program co-ordinator has been nagging me about, there are ten more that spring up in its place. For instance:
There are health benefit forms to fill out - before Monday at midnight, mind. And, online courses about the new electronic record - to be done by December 1st, please. Then there's the book chapter I keep having to make changes to, because, it turns out, I'm just not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to research, apparently.
In other news...
I'm on vacation for (gasp!) 10 whole days. I spent part of this with my sister and (only the best) nephew (in the world) in Florida. My sister and (only the best...ok, you get the point) nephew picked me up from the airport and it was great to see them both. To add that purple icing to the cake, I walked in the door of my sister's apartment and it was all decked out, Happy Birthday style, with balloons and streamers. Then...the best meal on earth, a candle topped cake WITH ice-cream, complete with party hats and a nephew-sister rendition of Happy Birthday deadrocketcow. There are some feelings that just cannot be expressed with words. Needless to say, it was a good day.
Now, I'm back in [mid-west city]. I start work again Monday. The prospect of going back without M, does not make me a happy girl. But...what can I do? I'm just a PGY-2, yes?
Hey, guess what? I bought some weights, and so far, I have done two full body workouts right in the comfort of my very own apartment. I know. You're jealous.
For the rest of this month, I plan to:

1. Read. Every single day. No more procrastination. This "I'll do it tomorrow" attitude just isn't cutting it.
2. Do three full body workouts a week, two HIIT sessions and one aerobic session.
3. Live each day like it's my last
4. Just breathe


Thursday, November 08, 2012

(Not so) Happy Birthday deadrocketcow

I turned 28 today, and what a day. My thoughts were dissipated, tormenting my heart. I will always remember this day because of how I felt.