Friday, December 10, 2004

I need to drink water at the gym

Today was a diamond of a day. During the critical hours that promise a tomorrow on this side of time, it came to me in a sudden epiphany that I had the grand total of 2 unused meal credits to my name, and immediately I knew just what to do with them. Ye gad, it was off to The Gate with me. I gathered up my stuff from deep in the science library, escaped the clutches of the textbook, passed the jaws of impending finals and walked happily up (down?) my beloved Thayer street.
5 - 8 minutes later, and you would have found me at The Gate.
In The Gate I walked, bagel, cream cheese and water in mind - card in hand, ready to send those credits to late night snack heaven.
But alas, even diamonds need to be helped to shine. I am dismayed by this system. The poor defenceless (and by that, you know I mean quite the opposite) cashier cannot handle the burden (the immense energy required to raise the arm twice is just too, too much) of swiping a starving students' card twice in order to claim what is rightfully theirs. The now emaciated and famished student must practically leave The Gate with one purchase and return again, if second purchase is necessary.
Bagel, cream cheese or water? I made my decision, ladies and gentlemen, and the water was duly replaced. But damnit, I need to drink water at the gym.


Unknown said...

Keep your head up. Good luck with your finals.

deadrocketcow said...

Did I ever say thankyou? Hey, I know I didn't. Anyway. Thankyou, Lex.