Saturday, September 09, 2006

4th year at Malory towers uhh, Brown University

The year has come. By this, ladies and gentlemen, I mean Senior year (notice the capital). Classes, work, a great apartment, research and 3 awesome friends. How could I ask for more? Well...there is the issue of Medical School. I would like to get that congratulations-you-have-been-accepted letter in the mail sometime. Now wouldn't that be something? I bet it would. Are you listening Johns Hopkins?
And before you rip my hair out (hold your daym horses), here is the anticipated, long awaited class list:

EL91: How to read a poem
SI40: American Sign Language
BN165: Structure of the Nervous System
BN293: From Neurons to Perception
BN195: Independent Study (Fragile X Syndrome research)

Isn't life great?


MyTrueSelf said...

OMG I thought I was the only one who remembered Mallory Towers! I love Enid Blyton!!!

deadrocketcow said...

Lol, yeah, I read tons of Enid Blyton - The Famous Five, The Secret Seven, The Five Find Outers. Good stuff.