Thursday, February 18, 2010

Happiness is...

1. An early morning session of high intensity interval training.
2. A Stephen King novel, a hot cup of English Breakfast tea (two sugars - yes, sugar damnit - and milk), a rainy day.
3. A freshly opened, out of the package, new white coat.
4. Another desktop worthy picture of my nephew.
5. Volunteer neurosurgery call with the most amazing residents on earth.
6. A clean apartment.
7. Two hour conversations with my Mom about nothing.
8. A hard day's work and a shuttle ride home.
9. Nebert shenanigans.
10. A good night's sleep.


Le Monde Parle said...

Its about freaking time...where have you been..geeeezzz damit..he he he he he

Oxygen Girl Wannabe said...


Le Monde Parle said...

Oh damit...what gave me away?

deadrocketcow said...

I'm just that fabulous.

MSC said...

Me thinks #9 is Way TMI for Me Virgin Ears!

deadrocketcow said...

Come now. Take your mind out the gutter.