Thursday, October 18, 2012

Points to ponder

1. If you are writing up a discharge summary on a patient who is deceased do you write about them in the past tense?

2. Is it OK to tell your patient that you just operated on that you don't know what type of tumor they have, when in fact, you just heard that the frozen pathology (high chance of being inaccurate) was malignant?

4. Are some patients lying about how much pain they're in?

5. My PHQ-9 score is 8. Am I depressed or just a neurosurgery resident?

6. How much caffeine is too much caffeine?

7. Why do I end up staying late at work only on days when I make plans?

8. Why is there such a thing as a VIP patient? Isn't everyone a VIP patient?

1 comment:

Ima said...

Yes, Yes, What happened to '3'?,Yes, What is a PHQ-9?, Less than the amount that results in withdrawal symptoms, Murphy's Law, Yes-Yes.