Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Third year - it continues

So continue the blessed rotations of third year.
I am doing two months of Pituitary/Endoscopy in a state that took 11 hours to drive to. I work three days a week and live in the basement of a couple that takes in medical students, residents and other stragglers of the medical persuasion for a fee. (I'm assuming there is a fee...the money that changed hands between program and host did not involve my hands. Or any other body parts, for that matter).
In any case, I have A LOT of free time on my hands.
Incidentally, the two attendings I am working with during this rotation are away at a conference this week. So. I get an additional week off.
The downsides to this rotation
1. Way too much free time
2. Very bad phone reception at this place I'm staying
3. I know no one here

The upside:
1. Way too much free time
2. Did I mention I have way too much free time?

So, I've been working out. A LOT. Like, twice a day a lot. Don't judge me - it beats watching an entire season of Breaking Bad. Per day. Of which, I am fully capable.

Speaking of the gym:
Is your workout so intense, so totally consuming, that you - weightlifter guy/gal, must insist on throwing your dumbbells onto the floor after each set? Yes. I'm talking to you. You there, in the wife beater, carrying the Costco [so you know they have like, 40 of these at home] gallon jug of water. Is that your way of announcing to the gym world that you just pressed three times your own weight? Is that how you mark your gym territory? Don't answer - I don't really care. If you do not have the strength at the end of a set to lower your weights to the floor in a controlled and civilized manner, you should be lifting a lighter weight. No matter how many pounds of gnarly muscle you have on your shoulders.

What is going on in the mind of the person who steps onto the treadmill, cranks the incline up to 100% and then hangs on for dear life? They must realize that defeats the entire purpose of the incline. And what a sight! Huffing, puffing, the sweat pouring down - honey, don't bother. You're really going at, like, 10% incline right now. And that's being generous.

So, yeah. Working out. Quite a bit. What I need to do - and God help me, I will - is use all the extra time to study and work on some solid research projects. Like a real neurosurgery resident.

For now though, I have three episodes of Scandal chapters of Neurosurgery Text Book to read.


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