Wednesday, August 04, 2004

The sound of no dogs barking.

Silence. Pure and golden. Can you picture a sound free environment? Does it put in you a secret desire to eliminate all objects that cause a change in the resting pressure of the atmosphere? It should. It really, really should. If it doesn't, then there is something seriously wrong, and I'm telling you, my friend, you need to have your head examined. Totally, like, right now. Put down that jelly bean, and make that call. (It could earn you 15 more seconds to live, at the very least).
And what's all the cacophony about, my dears? I need quiet. I need quiet, and I need all the cosmic forces of the universe to be in balance once again. You think I am able to eat juicy fruit in this noise? You ought to be ashamed of yourself. Silence, I say.
But then again. Explore with me the delicious treat that is apple sauce. The sweetness, the slightly granular texture, the lovely apple scent...

I am dreaming again.

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