Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Lunch at the Ratty

When the sky decides it has had enough of holding the now frozen water molecules (yay Orgo!) in its belly, it opens its mouth and regurgitates (the other way is just nasty) snow onto the world below it, making sure to render every sidewalk, every pedestrian pathway totally inaccessible for simple walking.
So it was that I picked my way through snowy mush to the Sharpe Refectory Cafeteria, aka the Ratty, way down there on the-other-side-of-campus. I was totally making a statement in my bright (Ye, Gad) yellow jacket, which I swore never to wear, on account of it being hazardous to the eyes, but who cares? It was cold out, and it's a mighty warm jacket. As I approached one out of three sets of doors, I removed the earphones from my ears (because you know I was listening to Lenny Kravitz telling me he wants to fly away; yeah, yeah, yeaaah), in order that I would not appear rude when I had palaver with the man-who-swipes-the-cards.
He's a nice man, this man-who-swipes-the-cards, but he's the kinda guy who revs up his engine, and once it gets started, goes full steam ahead into the no return land of when I was your age. So I kept the smile on my face whilst my stomach had pre-lunch conversation with my salivary glands (hunger is the best sauce donchya know - even for Ratty food), nodded at the appropriate intervals, and added a 'yeah' every now and then for good measure. At the juncture between the "I wasn't like that..." and the next "You young people nowadays...." I made my hasty (and hungry) retreat.
So much food, and so little time. This last semester, the Ratty had the Brown's version of Extreme Makeover, and 4 different sections boast a variety (ahem, ahem) of dishes designed to tickle those ravenous student taste buds. For people like me, there is a whole section devoted to animal friendly food. I am a wrap kinda girl, and so I crammed a tomato and basil wrap with beans, cheese, peppers, rice and shredded lettuce, and made my starving way to the grills.
It was a balancing act with my tray, water bottle and bag to find a seat, but I made my way there, and heaved a sigh of relief as I sat down.
It was time to dig in.

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