Sunday, September 12, 2004

Silent watchers

I have pressed that button, and the light somewhere in its plastic cavity is glowing. A similar light glowing under another plastic button assures me that the elevator is coming to me. I am assured this because it has an arrow on it pointing to where my feet are on the floor. I am trusting that the people who designed this elevator (or the button) and I are using the same co-ordinate system.
It is here. It opens and there are people in it. I hesitate, wondering if my face and involuntary step forward have betrayed my intentions. Should I stay put and feign a sudden interest in the poster affixed to the wall next to me? Should I make like I forgot something in my room and rush off? Will I be able to squeeze myself into the last remaining spot in that crammed-full-as-if-we-were-sardines elevator? The door is closing, I have to act. One clumsy hand extends, stops the door mid closure. I am in.
Silence. You man next to me with the earphones, what are you thinking? You obvious freshman behind me, wipe that smirk off your face. I am a good person, really I am. I want to be a doctor someday....please tell me the seat of my pants isn't wet. Tell me that strong body odour is not coming from me, tell me something, anything, please.
The doors are open. Sweet, sweet release...

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