Saturday, July 31, 2004

Awe Kwena...

I have an exam coming up. I have a lab report to get done. I have homework hanging over my head. But what am I doing? Sitting at my computer, talking to people on this messenger thing that has me by the throat. Oh yeah, and in that dratted chat room.

It is dark outside. It is also dark in my room. I feel dark too. In a good way, of course. You may what way can dark be good? You know...I don't really know. It just had a nice ring to it. But now that I think about the dark, things are unexposed, they can be anything you want them to be. You can also be free to do whatever your heart desires...

I like to drink water. When I'm thirsty. Sometimes I like to drink Sprite. Speaking of which, when was the last time you had yourself an icingly refreshing Sprite? Come know you want one. Obey it...come on, you want to...

Anyway, I am seriously rambling here (so, what else is new right?) And that probably means a severe lack of sleep. Or a certain kind of night provoked dementia...

Whatever the case. Goodnight Moon.

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